Our website uses small files called cookies that are placed on your computer, laptop or tablet to help make your experience of using Ultima, as pleasant as possible. Our cookies do things like record the amount of visitors to our website.
Cookies are safe to use and are used on virtually all websites on the internet, in some form or other. If you disable cookies then you may not be able to use all the features on this website or place your order with us. By using our website and accepting the cookie consent message when you first visit our website, you agree to accept the cookies that we use.
Should you wish to disable cookies in your Internet browser, then the links below will show you how to do this.
All the cookies that are used on Ultima are documented below.
First Party Cookies
wp-settings-4 This cookie is set by WordPress for your current browser session
wp-settings-time-4 This cookie is set by WordPress for your current browser session
Third Party Cookies
Google Analytics We use Google Analytics to view visits to our site and the pages that
_ga our customers visit. We use this information to help improve our
_gid website.
To stop Google Analytics from tracking you across the web, you can download a browser add-on from Google.